From left: Lifelong friends Terrance Williams, Daniel Spikes and Kendrick Morris

If you ask them, they will come, especially if they’re your lifelong buddies. Dr. Daniel Spikes, Lufkin ISD Assistant Superintendent of Administrative Services, made the challenge out loud to the Brandon Elementary students. He knew field day was coming up and what better way to settle the score than to ask two of his best friends that he made at Brandon Elementary 30-plus years ago, Terrance Williams and Kendrick Morris, to race. This wouldn’t be any race, this race would determine who was the fastest. There had been races in the past, but this one was for all the marbles. It was mentioned that Terrance had recently participated in triathlons and that the last time Kendrick, Lufkin High School science teacher, and Daniel raced, an ER visit ensued.

The day came. All of the students filled the Expo Center and were cheering loud and proud. The 100-yard race was started with a bang and Terrance was in full motion. He drove from Dallas to win today. He’s a computer IT guy these days and still has that friendly competitive spirit from his days at Brandon Elementary. Dr. Spikes wanted them to all cross the finish line together to show their camaraderie but Terrance was too far ahead to slow up and had too much on the line. He did give the trophy to Dr. Spikes who spoke to the students about how much friendship means. After all these years, these guys enjoy being around each other, supporting each other and learning together. Some of the lessons they learned long ago at Brandon Elementary.