Below are photos of the Grant Patrol Day where the winners pose with members of administration, Ed Foundation board members and high school drum line and cheer:

Emotional Regulation Station for Brookhollow Elementary

Boom! Pow! Wow! Look at our Readers Now! for Trout Primary

Ants in My Pants for Coston Elementary

Full STEAM Ahead! for Garrett Primary

The Magical Mystery Tour for LISD District

Blaze Pods for Flash Reflex Training in P.E. for Anderson Elementary

Chick Fest! for Kurth Primary

Interactive Learners and Presenters for Herty Primary

Hands Only CPR for Elem. Students Sponsored by The Heart Institute of East Texas for Anderson Elementary

Veggie Tales for Burley Primary

Inhale, Exhale, Repeat for Lufkin High School

Lego Therapy: Developing Social Emotional Skills One Brick at a Time for Anderson Elementary

Help Me Speak My Mind with Go Talk 9! for Anderson Elementary

“On Air” Learning for Anderson Elementary

“Away we Grow!” for Anderson Elementary

STEAM Learning Lounge for Anderson Elementary

Once Upon a Time with Ozobots; Passport to Learning; Plugged Into Learning! for Dunbar Primary

Fresh Air Lab for Kurth Primary

Newscast Grant for Trout