When I think about what is truly unique about a Lufkin ISD educational experience, I think about the limitless possibilities that students have.
It’s not just about the 21 AP courses, Early College High School, STEM Academy, and academic and athletic opportunities, but it’s about the ability of students to confidently soar with the help of our well-qualified staff to innumerable successes.
To reflect on just a few of those successes, we can look to our students who have made recent accomplishments.
Students have so many talents and abilities that our staff can help nurture and propel to the next level. It never ceases to amaze me the ideas and the collaborative effort of students and staff.
It’s no wonder we have colleges seeking out our students after high school because they are considered some of the best and most well-prepared. We have eager, hardworking students ready to learn and well-educated, talented teachers willing to prepare those students.

From left: Supt. Lynn Torres, Paige Hoelewyn, Phillip Callaway, Alexis Martinez, Kristi Gay – Board Member, Scott Skelton – Board President
This past week, Lufkin High School had three students go to the TMEA All-State Competition. Philip Callaway, Paige Hoelewyn and Alexis Martinez were among the top 2.4 perecent of musicians who initially audition to become All-State musicians. Philip and Paige will perform in choir. Alexis played the euphonium in the band at the TMEA All-State Competition. This will be the second time in three years a student from the Panther Marching Band was selected for All-State playing the euphonium.

From left: Supt. Lynn Torres, Crystal Dolman, Juan Barron, Kristi Gay – Board Member, Scott Skelton – Board President
March we have four students going to the Business Professional of America State competition. Miracle Murphy will go in the category of Legal Office Procedures. Samantha Standley will go to state in Fundamental Word Processing. Crystal Dolman will participate in Advanced Word Processing, and Juan Barron will participate in Java Programming.
I love that there is such a variety of categories to choose from so students can broaden their scope of knowledge.

From left: Supt. Lynn Torres, Brenda Medina, TyAdrian Moultrie, Jaklyn Moultrie, Kristi Gay – Board Member, Scott Skelton – Board President
We have five students going to state in Criminal Justice. JeKalyn Moultrie will be doing foot pursuit. Brenda Medina, Ty’Adrian Moultrie, Daniel Del Toro and Elijah Barney will be doing building search. The competition is toward the end of March. I look forward to seeing these students put their skills into action.
We’ve also recently had 11 senior student-athletes sign their college letters of intent on National Signing Day. They include Tony Boykin (Coffeyville Community College), Titan Williams (Coffeyville Community College), Carl Williams (Stephen F. Austin State University), Kewone Thomas (Pittsburgh State), Deandre Bagley (Southern Arkansas University), Demond McKelvey (Southern Arkansas University), Bryson Wilson (Southeastern Oklahoma State University), Davis Powell (Grayson College), Leah Akridge (East Texas Baptist University), Kurstyn Harden (University of Northern Colorado) and Kennedy Shelton (Calvary University). Javasia Brunson and Breylon Garcia, both defensive linemen for the Panthers football team, signed their national letters of intent before national signing day to attend the University of Nevada.
It’s exciting to see the end result of these hard-working athletes and that they can continue their sport while getting a college education.

From left: Supt. Lynn Torres, Aanvi Manda, Kristi Gay – Board Member, Scott Skelton – Board President
One of our youngest students that has done exceptionally well lately is our fourth-grader from Brandon Elementary, Aanvi Manda, who will be attending the PBS Scripps Spelling Bee. She out-spelled the competition and will represent the area at the biggest bee in the state, with the winner heading to Washington, D.C.
Don’t forget to tune in to PBS on March 23 to watch the bee live.
We give kids the limitless possibilities; they give us the joy of watching them succeed. They represent every teacher and administrator who taught them, showed them the ropes, and gave them the confidence to succeed.
Congratulations to our students who are off to compete and know that we support you. You make all of us proud.
Lynn Torres is the superintendent of Lufkin ISD. Her email address isltorres@lufkinisd.org.