Health Tips: Goals for the New School Year
The beginning of the school year is always an exciting time. Starting a new grade or moving to a new school may carry with it some degree of anxiety, but it also is an opportunity to start fresh. Sitting down and putting goals for the new year in writing can be an...
Health Tips: Media and Children
The past decade has been filled with incredible advances in technology. With the benefits of these advances come challenges. A very important one is figuring out how to raise technically savvy children without harming them by allowing them to lose themselves into a...
Health Tips: Let’s Get Moving!
As the activities of summer wind down and we settle into our school year routine it’s important to keep physical activity a part of our daily regimen. So frequently we blame busy schedules on the unhealthy habits we develop. Children will be more successful in...
Health Tips: Overcoming Those First-Day Jitters
The first day of school brings with it a variety of emotions; anticipation mixed with a lot of apprehension. The mixture of conflicting emotions is not limited to the children entering school for the first time in kindergarten, but also those entering middle school,...
Health Tips: How to Create the Best Sleep Habits
For most families, the most difficult adjustment to the beginning of the school year is sleep. Teenagers who are used to staying up late, school age kids who have had too many sleepovers, and parents who dread getting up early all suffer when school starts. What...