It was a great day to break ground on two of the $75 million bond projects yesterday afternoon. The Lufkin ISD board, administrators, architects, construction crews and media were all present to document this momentous day. As the group turned dirt with their golden shovels, the conversation was all about how wonderful it is to see these projects going up and what a benefit they will be for the students. The first phase of the middle school should wrap up in a year with the entire project done by January 2024, and the athletic complex should be available by the spring. Thank you to the Lufkin voters for making these projects a priority for our students.

Lufkin ISD Administrators and Board members along with the Goodwin Lasiter Strong architectural team and Berry & Clay Construction company break ground in front of the phase one area of the Lufkin Middle School site where grades 7 and 8 will be housed. The first phase should be complete within a year.

Lufkin ISD Administrators and Board members along with the Goodwin Lasiter Strong architectural team and Langston Construction employees break ground in front of the LHS Athletic Complex.