With the beginning of 2020, Lufkin ISD and our parents are already thinking about the beginning of the new school year in the fall. Parents want to know what opportunities are available for their children and how to apply for those opportunities.
It’s never too early to start thinking about your child’s educational future. Counselors will begin making visits to schools to start the registration process for the 2020-21 school year this month.
Students and parents have many choices to make as they pursue the best options for their children and their interests. Lufkin ISD is pleased to offer many advanced courses for our students. All of our students should choose advanced options to better prepare them for the future.
Lufkin ISD is starting the screening process for both the Gifted and Talented Program (GT program), as well as the Dual Language Program. A student may enter the GT program any time during their years of education, but the only time for a student to enter the Dual Language Program is their kindergarten year. The program is housed at Burley Primary and then Slack Elementary. The GT program is at Dunbar Primary and Brandon Elementary.
Parents ask all the time, how can I prepare my child for the screening and how do I know if my child would do well in these programs?
Is your child a curious learner and asks lots of questions? Do they have a vivid imagination and enjoy problem solving? These are all qualities of a GT learner. Are they language rich and have a propensity for vocabulary? These are good indicators of a child who would enjoy the Dual Language program.
The best way to prepare your child for the screenings for these programs is to use the same strategies you would use to prepare your child for success in school. Provide a print-rich home with books and make sure you read with your child aloud every night.
Encourage your child to have experiences that allow them to be creative and let them explore. We have fabulous museums, Kurth Memorial Library and Ellen Trout Zoo that provide wonderful opportunities for our little ones.
These programs are just the beginning for our students.
We have advanced academic opportunities for all ages. The options in secondary schools are wide and varied. To find out more, please join us for a night of information at the Advanced Academic Night on Feb. 6 at Lufkin High School. All of our programs will be showcased that night and students can apply for these programs as they make decisions about course selections for the 2020-21 school year.
Lufkin ISD will join our Parents for African-American Academic Success at J.D.’s Center of Hope at 5:30 p.m. Feb. 3. This will be an evening to learn about all of our advanced opportunities with emphasis on the transition years of kindergarten, sixth grade and ninth grade. To-go plates and childcare will be available.
Lufkin ISD is ready to help you make the best decisions for your students. Come and see us at one of these events and ask questions about our programs.
Our goal is to meet the needs of all students. Together we can ensure that all Lufkin ISD students have opportunities to excel in learning.
We look forward to meeting you and showing you why students and parents. Choose Lufkin ISD.
Lynn Torres is the superintendent of Lufkin ISD. Her email address is ltorres@lufkinisd.org.