Junior Achievement of Angelina County hosted the first annual Stock Market Challenge at the Lufkin Convention Center today. Five Angelina County high schools consisting of 34 teams of juniors and seniors participated to experience the thrill of the Wall Street trading floor. Team number 31 from Lufkin High School received second place out of all of the contenders. Ali Khurshid (team captain), Holden Paulette, Juan Barron, and Bryce King were recognized before the awards were given for their keen sense of financial prowess during the contest. Pictured above is the team’s coach Mr. Mark Maxwell (far left) and LHS Principal Brandon Boyd (far right).
According to the Junior Achievement website:
There were three giant screens, frenzied traders, the latest in technology and 60 days of simulated trading condensed into 80 minutes.
How it works:
- Teams of four compete to grow their mock stock portfolios to the highest overall net worth.
- Teams are issued $1M in mock stock to invest in 26 fictitious companies.
- Each trading day lasts sixty seconds — two months of trading are condensed into one exciting evening.
- Onsite traders with PDAs make buying and selling instantaneous. The trading is fast, furious and fun!
- Periodic news releases and “hot tips” reflect fictitious world events and industry developments, causing stock prices to fluctuate.
- The volatile market & the frantic pace will keep participants on their toes, constantly reacting to the market’s ups and downs.